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When it comes to baking I am an all or nothing kinda gal. There are no half measures in my kitchen I always want to make something as spectacular as it can be, both in taste and look. I want something that is reliable, especially when I am normally baking with the ‘help’ of two small children. The recipe needs to be robust and this one is.

I am not a nutritionist but I can certainly say that I feel like cake instantly transforms into salad in my mind with the addition of vegetables. Please tell me I am not the only one living that lie. This is not the first time I have I have dabbled in creating vegetable cakes, if you want the recipe for some tasty and quite beautiful vegetable cupcakes follow this link.

vegetable cake recipe

I am a member of quite a few allotment and produce growing groups on Facebook and I love this time of year seeing what everyone is harvesting but I never understand  when people complain about a glut. There are so many wonderful recipes out there that enable you to think outside the box when you use your harvest. Growing your own food is incredibly rewarding, possible in a small space and a fantastic way to get a fussy child eating just about anything, I wrote more about growing with children recently.

Harvest time is baking time!

The problem I have with many vegetable cake recipes is that they are bland and boring. They have more of a tea bread feel to them. When I searched online for a courgette or zucchini cake recipe I could not find a single one that appealed to me so I decided to create my own.

The recipe calls for 3 cups of courgette/zucchini. If your 4 large courgettes create more than 3 cups use it and reduce food waste.


The main problem with a vegetable cake is the texture. The cakes can become a little too dense, the reason for this is excess moisture. This is an especially big risk with a courgette cake as courgettes hold a lot of liquid. Fear not the solution is a simple one. When the recipe asks you to let the grated courgette sit a while, let is sit a good long while. Don’t be shy when you squeeze the liquid out, squeeze the life out of that grated courgette. Remember you can save the liquid and add it to a vegetable stock or risotto. If you are not ready to use it straight away you can always freeze it.  I freeze a lot of things, I love my chest freezer so much!

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zucchini cake recipe

vegetable cake recipe This zucchini cake recipe really does elevate the whole vegetable cake genre to a new level, it has fast become my signature cake. I have already made this cake over a dozen times this year in the process of perfecting the recipe.

Making the perfect cake takes a lot of tasting!

Yes, that is how much cake gets baked when I am in recipe mode. Small adjustments here and there until it is perfect. My other half complained that I kept baking, “oh no my wife keeps baking cakes”, yeah cry me a river! All the hard work and tweaking is worth it when I see people enjoy the cake.

zucchini cake recipe If you love cake but this recipe sounds like too much work I have an amazing Apple & Massala Chai Cake recipe that can be baked and frozen. After all we are approaching apple season and having a freezer full of cake is nice.

September 5, 2019
October 15, 2019



  1. Reply


    September 27, 2019

    Ha, I love this. It’s a great way to sneak veg into the children’s diet and enjoy cake at the same time. I love the idea of combining the courgette and clementine. I bet the flavours work very well.

  2. Reply

    Rebecca Smith

    September 28, 2019

    I am definitely going to be giving this a try! I’ve tried courgette cakes before but as you say, they can be quite bland. I love the inclusion of clementines in this.

  3. Reply

    Rhian westbury

    September 28, 2019

    I don’t think I’ve ever thought about putting courgette in a cake. I do like the idea of vegetable cakes, but if I’m having cake I’m going to be naughty with it x

  4. Reply

    Kacie Morgan

    September 28, 2019

    Courgette and clementine sound like an unusual yet tasty combo! I hope you saved me a slice 🙂

  5. Reply

    Hollie Burgess

    September 28, 2019

    This looks delicious and I agree, veggies in cakes makes me think it’s much healthier, even if it isn’t!

  6. Reply

    Olivia Jade

    September 29, 2019

    Nice recipe and the finished product is stunning! Looks great on a cake stand x

  7. Reply


    September 29, 2019

    I love cakes with hidden vegetables! As you say, they seem far healthier and good for our children 🙂

  8. Reply


    September 30, 2019

    Oh MG, this is my good looking cake, can not remember the last time I had a clementine cake .

  9. Reply

    Olivia Jade

    October 1, 2019

    Looks very tasty! I bet the clementines tastes great, i do like this recipe x

  10. Reply


    October 1, 2019

    “Oh no, my wife keeps baking cakes!” the hardships! Your poor husband! This cake looks amazing, I have yet to venture into vegetable cakes but this looks like I coukd give it a good shot.