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An autumn day in pictures, well mostly because I simply cannot neglect the written word. When I think of autumn I am instantly picturing meandering down tree lined lanes in New England. Taking Instagram shots of me in boots holding a maple leaf to my face. Scrunching through leaves and having a wonderful time. The reality of autumn in rural Yorkshire is a little different, because it is often bloody wet.

As I sat down to have yet another moan about how we never get a nice autumn I was looking through photographs of last year and actually it was lovely. I did not artfully cover my face with a maple leaf but it was dry, and sunny and bursting with colour.

This day was almost a year ago exactly. I have been trying to get better with my photographs. I was on top of it with Sebastian but then I launched a new business, continued to write, started renovating a 6 bedroom house, took on an allotment, home ed, had a second child – somethings gotta give right?

child in wooly hat autumn day Last year Sebastian was in a Christmas play and the rehearsals were in Leeds. I never want to hear that home educating parents are taking the easy way out and just want to avoid a school run, we are literally everywhere all the time, we are only at home on Thursdays. I digress. The sun was shining and we decided to have an impromptu autumn day out in Roundhay Park.

An autumn day in the sunshine

We are surrounded by wonderful things here in West Yorkshire and yet we are constantly finding new gems. New to us as Roundhay Park itself is not new. I think we managed to pull off most of the classic Autumn activities; nature walk, leaf scrunching, we even arranged some leaves Andy Goldsworthy style. If you are looking for an autumn bucket list I made a comprehensive seasonal list last week.

autumn day throwing leaves in the air autumn day playing in dried leaves autumn day playing in leaves Getting those dry sunny days to play in Autumn leaves are enough to bring a smile until Christmas. Seeing how happy it made Sebastian made the day even more wonderful, I was so happy when I found these photos and saw that I managed to capture the moment.

autumn day lake and autumn treesWe entered the park near the small lake and were delighted to find the lakeside cafe open out of season and on a weekday. Enjoying hot chocolate is my thing to do with the children. We lamented that we had arrived unprepared with no food for the ducks or geese. Sebastian insisted that we walked down to say sorry to them and promise to bring food next time.

Only last autumn and it feels like a lifetime ago.

Looking at these photographs and seeing Humphrey I remember that he wasn’t talking then. Odd noises and something that sounded like psy duck but no talking. Only a year later and now he never stops chatting. These changes in them happen so fast and it is hard to accept that things were not always this way.

lake surrounded by Autumn trees autumn day out with children tree in autumn country park autumn day roundhay park days out with kids west yorkshire Sebastian is pretty lazy when it comes to walking. Not if he is playing around but the moment we start to walk from A to B his legs are jelly – or so I’m told. This impromptu autumn day out everything fell into place. We fuelled up on hot chocolate and flapjack and he was running around and pointing to where to walk to next. He got so warm running he took his coat off. The best part, and the thing that surprised me – he didn’t complain about walking, not once.

autumn day out in roundhay park leeds autumn day out in leeds Roundhay Park has 700 acres of parkland making it one of the largest city parks in Europe. There are play areas but we didn’t find them, we didn’t need them we were playing in nature that day. We walked up to The Mansion thinking it was Tropical World. It was not so we had a look at the art exhibition and got directions. Tropical World was very impressive and a lot larger than I was expecting.

A perfect autumn day with my perfect boys

Walking back through the park Humphrey had given up and sat in the pousette. At this point Sebastian’s legs became jelly so we pretended we were dinosaurs running away from a comet. That was enough to distract him and he walked back to the car.

autumn day out with children in roundhay park autumn day with children in roundhey park autumn day out roundhay park leeds Roundhay and Leeds is a little bit a way from our home in the hills but we have had perfect days walking in the woods behind our house or our local park. Have you managed to beat the rain this autumn?

October 15, 2019
October 28, 2019