I could have stayed in Porth Wen all day taking photos!
If you are here it is because you are looking for unusual spots in Wales to visit.Porth Wen is one of those places that is steeped in history, natural beauty and is not on the tourist trail so you will more than likely have the place to yourself.
Porth Wen was in fact recommended by a man who lives in Angelsey and works with my husband, I love insider knowledge. In fact the outing was planned as a surprise. Over a decade ago I did a photography course and spent most of that in the dark room developing pictures of rust and derelict buildings. Since the blog and the birth of Sebastian my photography has found a new focus but a passion is still a passion and my man knows me.
Porth Wen is the site of an old brickworks and it is truly amazing to be able to stand in a disused furnace and take photographs. We followed an ordnance survey map reference and pulled up on the side of a road for what was a beautiful country walk. I literally squealed with joy as we turned a corner and I caught a glimpse of the derelict brick factory below. I started to snap aerial shots right away.
Once you clambered down to the original site there was even more wonder to behold. The morning light was perfect, everything fell into place for this to be a great shoot.
Unusual spots in wales – what I love about Porth Wen;
I love the narrative of such place, the way things were, the beginng and end of things. Industrialisation came and spread but mother nature claimed it back. We sit and worry about the fate of the earth and our role in that fate and seeing these buildings I find comfort that no the world may not always be as it is but it will be there and nature will exist over man every time. I also think about the implications of losing industry and the implications that has on families. I was a social worker and that part of me never switches off. In short these building have a lot to tell.
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